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The Meaning of Chromatic; Modulation Examples

The meaning of chromatic (both notes and chords) when modulating can best be appreciated by experiencing what chromatic motion in both melody and harmony sounds like. Try out these examples of modulation:

  1. Play the chord C major on your guitar or piano for a few bars, while humming the note G.

    Now change to the chord E major while simultaneously changing your humming-note to G♯.

  2. Play the chord C♯ minor while simultaneously humming the note sequence:


    then down to C♯,

    then down to G♯,

    then back up to C♯,

    then back to E.

    Repeat this E – C♯ – G♯ – C♯ – E tune a few times.

    Now change the chord to C major, while simultaneously changing the tune to E – C – G – C – E.

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