You Are Reading the First 6 FREE Chapters (470 pages)
1What Music REALLY Is, Who Makes It, Where, When, Why1.0.1 Questions About Music and Natural Selection of Darwin
Chapter 1 addresses these five basic questions about music:
- WHAT is music?
- WHO makes music?
- WHERE does music come from?
- WHEN did music get started?
- WHY is there such a thing as music?
The other question, “HOW does one go about creating music worth listening to?” takes nine chapters to answer—Chapters 3 through 11, the main part of the book.
Tackling the five “Ws” of the phenomenon of music necessitates delving into Darwinian natural selection and sexual selection. If you have a strong religious faith, you may find bits of Chapter 1 offensive because of all the evolution stuff. On the other hand, if you have a strong atheistic belief, Chapter 1 may offend you, too, because it does not advocate for atheism.
If you already know all about natural selection and sexual selection and brain modularity, then Chapter 1 might simply bore you. If so, why not grab a bag of chips and ride on ahead to Chapter 2, which discusses the rise of the Western popular music industry and its various genres. Or Chapters 3 through 11, the sections on how to create memorable, emotionally powerful music and lyrics.