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5.5.6 Overtones vs Fundamentals: The Overtone Series and Related Keys
In looking at overtones vs fundamentals, does the overtone series underlie what makes keys closely related? The answer is yes. The frequency ratios of the first few overtones of any fundamental tone correspond mostly with scale degrees 1 and 5, which have the two simplest frequency ratios, 2:1 and 3:2, respectively (Table 31 below).
Consider, for example, three fundamental tones, C, G, and F, and their overtones. The note G appears as two of the first five overtones of the fundamental tone C. The note G also appears as two of the first five overtones of the fundamental tone G itself.
Just as G is scale degree 5 of C, so C is scale degree 5 of F. Therefore, as expected, The note C appears as two of the first five overtones of the fundamental tone F. The note C also appears as two of the first five overtones of the fundamental tone C itself.