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Phrygian, Lydian, and Mixolydian Mode Songs
Phrygian mode (mnor scale with minor 2nd; e.g., E to E, white piano keys only)
- “White Rabbit” (Jefferson Airplane)
- “Things We Said Today” (The Beatles)
Lydian mode (major scale with raised 4th; e.g., F to F, white piano keys only)
- “The Simpsons” theme
- “Blue Jay Way" (The Beatles), mostly Lydian except for that flatted third
Mixolydian mode (major scale with mnor 7th; e.g., G to G, white piano keys only)
- “Norwegian Wood" (verse) (The Beatles)
- “Get Back" (The Beatles)
- “Satisfaction” (mostly) (Rolling Stones)
- “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” (Gordon Lightfoot)
- “Sweet Home Alabama” (Lynyrd Skynyrd)