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6.16.6 Locrian Scale and Chords
Finally, the Locrian mode, the mode you get when you play the white keys beginning and ending with B:
B – C – D – E – F – G – A – B
It's the same as the natural minor scale, except with a minor second and a flat 5th.
(Remember, you can play a Locrian mode scale beginning with any note—it doesn’t have to be B—so long as you preserve the order of tones and semitones for the mode.)
Harmonically, the Locrian mode begins in the ditch, clutching a bottle of absinthe, and never manages to crawl out. (Doc Yada-Yadams seems stone cold sober by comparison.)
The tonic chord of the Locrian circular harmonic scale is the diminished chord (Figure 127).

FIGURE 127: Chord Map of Locrian Mode Circular Harmonic Scale