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5.1.4 Pentatonic Scales: Staircase Symbolism
Think of staircases with differing heights of the individual steps, which symbolize interval distances. The floor at the bottom of the staircase symbolizes the tonic note. The upper floor is the octave note. The intervals are the vertical distances you go as you climb the steps. Each staircase is the same overall height, connecting the lower floor to the same upper floor.
Figure 25 visually symbolizes the difference between the major pentatonic and minor pentatonic scales.

FIGURE 25: Pentatonic Scales As “Staircases”
Even though both pentatonic staircases have three regular-sized steps and two large steps, the difference in the order of the two step sizes means you have a different experience climbing each staircase.
Just as re-ordering step-sizes makes for unique staircases and climbing adventures, so re-ordering intervals makes for unique scales and musical experiences.