In our support plans, they have “jobs” that can be done each month. Jobs are simply tasks that can be completed in 30 minutes or less. These can include things like tracking implementation, plugin installation, CSS/design tweaks, bug fixes, and many more. If you are not sure if something classifies as a job, just ask!
Here are a few examples of jobs that we can do for you:
– Font Style changes (font size, weight, style, line height, etc)
– Google analytics tracking assistance
– Theme tweaks such as adding new widgets, fixing bugs, etc.
– Custom CSS coding to help you design your site/theme the way you want it.
– Tracking pixel implementation from Facebook, Pinterest, or other third party services.
– Permalink changes with 301 redirects
– Redirect setup in plugin or on the server
– Checking errors in Google search console
– Premium plugin implementation
– Email marketing DNS authentication for help with deliverability
– Pop-up creation using plugins
– Helping with hosting server issues
*Please note that we do not go looking for jobs on your site each month. These are to be requested by you when you need something.